Seeing Red

Seeing Red

 Bremen’s tortuous route to something resembling a Cycling City took another step forward this month with the re-surfacing of the oft-plagued cycle street Parkallee. Regular readers of our blog will know that this semi-main artery for through traffic – it is one...
Camp 2021 – German City Campaigns Get Networked

Camp 2021 – German City Campaigns Get Networked

  Following the success of Volksentscheid Fahrrad in Berlin, which now commits Germany’s capital city to a 600 million euro programme of transformation of its cycling infrastructure, a number of its key activists have helped establish Changing Cities. This new...
Protected Bike Lanes: Solving the safety conflict?

Protected Bike Lanes: Solving the safety conflict?

People who are involved with transport politics are continuously confronted with the issue of safety. Bike lanes are rejected, supposedly because of safety, while others demand them for exactly the same reasons. Cycling on the road is recommended by some as being...
Women on bikes – There is a difference

Women on bikes – There is a difference

„The bicycle has done more for the emancipation of middle and upper class women then all the struggles of the womens’ movement“. So wrote the Austrian authoress and feminist Rosa Mayreder (1858-1938). The first female cyclists came from wealthy families, taking the...
Parking Space to Cycle Space? Not In Bremen

Parking Space to Cycle Space? Not In Bremen

  With the recent publication of proposals for comprehensive parking management by Bremen’s Transport Transition coalition, there’s been considerable discussion in the city’s media about the problem of illegal parking. Little has been said about its direct...
The Bargain Hunters

The Bargain Hunters

  Regular readers will know that, until now, we have never had to offer an explanation of a post over on the German language side of our blog. But the background to today’s commentary probably requires explanation for pretty well anyone outside Bremen. Back in...