There is hardly an issue in Bremen that is as heated as the parking of cars in residential areas. Questions like these arise: Who does resident parking help? Is parking on pavements permissible? And if so, under what conditions? What rights do pedestrians have? The...
Platz Da! Parliament Agrees Compromise
Platz Da! (There's Space!) Bremen has collected 6,000 signatures in the Hanseatic city and held endless debates with politicians to make more space in Bremen for all people. Platz da! has fought for state-wide parking management, for the abolition of parking on...
Fee-Based Parking – A Definition of Terms
In the objectives of the recently elected Bremen state government, regulation and limitation of parking are at the forefront. Strategic measures from the Bremen Transport Development Plan 2025 have now finally been included in the operative catalogue of objectives of...
Resident Parking – Transport Transition or Motorist Appeasement?
The new Draft Agreement on Cooperation in a Government Coalition for Bremen, 2019-2023 (from now on here called Koa Treaty) promises to install resident parking, to ban illegal parking and to push back the illegal practice of parking on pavements with two wheels....
The Time Is Ripe – Parking Must Cost
The New Bremen Politics of Parking The newly-elected Bremen coalition government has agreed ambitious changes to transport policy, and placed them at the forefront of the coalition agreement (Draft Agreement on Cooperation in a Government Coalition for Bremen,...
“Platz Da!” Moves Up A Gear
The "Platz Da!" initiative has officially launched, as reported in the Weserkurier and on the telly. “Platz Da! Bremen "is involving a growing number of Bremen citizens who are working together for a better cycling and walking infrastructure, and a...