Following the success of Volksentscheid Fahrrad in Berlin, which now commits Germany’s capital city to a 600 million euro programme of transformation of its cycling infrastructure, a number of its key activists have helped establish Changing Cities. This new...
Global Transport Issues
Berlin : From Grassroots Movement to Mobility Act
On June 28th 2018 Berlin’s Parliament signed a new Mobility Act into effect. This was the final point of a more than two and a half-year long campaign by the Initiative Citizens Referendum for Cycling in Berlin and their umbrella organization Changing Cities....
Portland – Myth and Reality
Following a television documentary about the “do it yourself” and bicycle culture in Portland, Oregon, last year, many Bremers, and especially cyclists, asked me if Portland is really as cool as all the hype. Well-signed bike route through residential streets in the...
European Push and Pull
The Amsterdam approach to car parking which we previously outlined is also regarded as a model for the European Push & Pull project. Push-Pull is essentially a package of carrot and stick policies: I'll take something away from you, e.g. Free parking, and give you...
Carrot and Stick in Amsterdam
One of the best examples of consistent parking management is the city of Amsterdam. The principle is simple. The closer you park to the centre the more you pay. Amsterdam’s parking regime covers an area that, as far as population is concerned, is nearly as big as...
Oslo: When Car Parking Is Actually Tackled
Norway’s capital Oslo has for many years proclaimed its desire to tackle climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Left and right administrations alike have trumpeted their green credentials, regularly competing for the European Green Capital Award - and...