
Protected Bike Lanes in Corona Times: Do it Bremen!

Protected Bike Lanes in Corona Times: Do it Bremen!

  After Corona (2): When will Bremen get Protected Bike Lanes? Shortly before the outbreak of the pandemic, several protected bike lanes were announced in Bremen. In the meantime, we in Germany are in the middle of the second wave of infection - with a kind of...

Sielwall in Bremen: The Law is a Joke??

Sielwall in Bremen: The Law is a Joke??

On Friday 19th June 2020 a new phenomenon hit the streets of Bremen, or rather the street of Sielwall. That evening,  the entrance to Sielwall coming from the Osterdeich was augmented with no-entry street signs, with a time limit of "Fri - Sun 20h to 6h". In other...

Safe mobility for all – an open letter

Safe mobility for all – an open letter

Changing Cities, Berlin, on April 14th published an open letter to Minister of Transport A. Scheuer, which called for the establishment of corona-safe pedestrian and cycle paths. Bremen initiatives have now sent an open letter with the same aim to the Bremen Senate...

Cycling In Mixed Traffic?  No!

Cycling In Mixed Traffic? No!

I’m profoundly disturbed by the notion that, as an experienced cyclist, I “should” ride in mixed traffic alongside cars and trucks.  Doing so makes cycling more stressful and dangerous.  As a non-motorized “lightweight” I’ve “lost” this “game” before I even start. ...

Protected Bike Lanes: Solving the safety conflict?

Protected Bike Lanes: Solving the safety conflict?

People who are involved with transport politics are continuously confronted with the issue of safety. Bike lanes are rejected, supposedly because of safety, while others demand them for exactly the same reasons. Cycling on the road is recommended by some as being...

Dangerous drivers from a parent’s perspective

Dangerous drivers from a parent’s perspective

Sunday night on the way home from the swimming pool my 8 year old daughter and I were almost run over by a car turning left into the crosswalk where we were (legally!) crossing the street. Unfortunately we experience similar situations several times a week, since...