Sielwall - young men with overly-souped up cars race through it, and local politicians are finally seeing this as the danger that it is. Now the Sielwall and all four roads which lead to the so-called Sielwalleck are to be closed to car traffic up to 80 metres in each...
Quality of Life
Dangerous drivers from a parent’s perspective
Sunday night on the way home from the swimming pool my 8 year old daughter and I were almost run over by a car turning left into the crosswalk where we were (legally!) crossing the street. Unfortunately we experience similar situations several times a week, since...
Park(ing) Day in Neustadt
Invitation: Park(ing) Day in Bremer Neustadt, Buntentorsteinweg on 15 September 2017 from 14:00 - 17:00 hrs. Help us convert a few on-street parking spaces to a green oasis or a living room. Come along for a snack of coffee and cake, for a game of chess, for...