Frightening the Horses

by | Aug 29 2016

In 2014, as we began our research into Bremen’s cycling history,  we spent many hours in the Bremen State Archive. It was there that we met Florian Reiß, a historian who was working on a major exhibition about cycling for the Cloppenburg Open Air Museum. We quickly agreed to work together and share our work. A version of  this resulting film, which explores some aspects of the early years of cycling in Bremen with Florian and his colleague Frank Priesner, was screened at the museum as part of the cycling exhibition.




  1. Norbert

    Danke für das interessante Video. Schade, dass es wohl kein Buch zur Ausstellung gibt.

    • Florian Reiß

      Das Buch zur Ausstellung (Ausstellungskatalog) heißt:
      Fahrtwind. Kulturgeschichte des Fahrrads im Nordwesten. (Materialien & Studien zur Alltagsgeschichte und Volkskultur Niedersachsens, Bd. 45)
      Hrsg.: Frank Preisner
      Cloppenburg 2015
      ISBN 978 – 3 – 938061 – 31 – 2

  2. Beatrix Wupperman

    Doch, es gibt so ein Buch. Am besten das Freilichtmuseum Cloppenburg kontaktieren.



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