One Hundred and Eighty Kilotons

One Hundred and Eighty Kilotons

What can cycling do to reduce CO2 emissions in Bremen? Here we calculate what has been done, what hasn’t, and what can be done in the coming decade. With Fridays for Future developing a regular presence on the streets of Bremen, a transport transition blog like...
A Pro-Walking Manifesto for Bremen

A Pro-Walking Manifesto for Bremen

(The following is taken from the original text) Lots of dosh for car traffic – hardly anything for foot and bicycle According to a study by the University of Kassel, car traffic in Bremen receives a subsidy of 156 euros per inhabitant per year, public transport...
Think Green? Vote Red?

Think Green? Vote Red?

Election day is approaching, we all have to decide how to vote. And it will be difficult, because coalition talks will follow. How do we achieve a coalition that promotes a sustainable, green transport policy and takes the climate crisis seriously? Earlier this month...
A Vote For Cycling?

A Vote For Cycling?

After this week’s Buten un Binnen Wahl Lokal broadcast failed to address the self-proclaimed second most important issue in the forthcoming election (transport), we thought we would be helpful and provide a summary of the main parties’ positions. Seven parties...
Parkallee in Bremen: Missing the Target

Parkallee in Bremen: Missing the Target

  Good Things Come To Those Who Wait? Parkallee in Bremen is part of a planned Premium Route for cycling that runs from the university in the north to the city centre. For too long, this 500 metre section between Am Stern and the city’s main railway lines has...