Join the German Zero CO2 initiative!

by | Mar 18 2020

German Zero CO2 is a large-scale campaign to make Germany carbon neutral by 2035.

Where we stand:

  •  The world is drifting into a +4 degree future, with devastating consequences for our livelihoods and for humanity.
  • If we want to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees, no more than another 420 gigatons of CO2 emissions can accumulate in the earth’s atmosphere; at today’s levels, this corresponds to some 15 years of global CO2 emissions.
  • Germany will miss the 1.5 degree target from 2023.
  • The goals of the current federal government and especially the measures that have been adopted are completely inadequate.

The Goal of German Zero CO2

Germany must become climate neutral as quickly as possible – in all areas of life and work.

How We Will Achieve Our Goal

1. A climate plan has been drawn up, which defines step by step how the 1.5 degree goal will be achieved. =>  This has been available since November 2020.

Source: Climate plan (s.a.) p. 14

2. A climate law is being drawn up that includes climate protection as an obligation of the state in the Basic Law and specifies this in many individual laws
=> This is in progress

3. Convincing politicians and the Bundestag election initiative: The citizens’ draft law will be communicated to politicians from autumn 2020. With this aim in mind, a Germany-wide network of groups is being set up to look after local politicians and win them over to concrete action. Tens of thousands of participants in municipalities and constituencies will convey the Citizens’ Climate Law to the public, to all members and candidates of the Bundestag – personally and emphatically.

Success Will Follow

Following the federal election in autumn 2021, the government will take comprehensive climate policy decisions in spring 2022 that will ensure a climate-neutral Germany by 2035. German Zero CO2 cordially invites all of us to cooperate, using all of our competence and commitment to help make the campaign a success:

1 Comment

  1. Andreas Kuehn

    Mama und Papa, ihr habt doch alles gewusst – warum habt ihr nichts unternommen ?

    Der Klimaplan von GermanZero zeigt, was zu tun ist.
    Deutschland soll bis 2035 klimaneutral sein. Der Plan dafür beruht auf einem intensiven Austausch mit führenden Politik- und Umweltfachleuten. Die einzelnen Schritte und Umsetzungspakete gliedern sich in sieben Bereiche. Zusätzlich werden wegbereitende, sektorenübergreifende Maßnahmen aufgezeigt, um Hindernisse zu beseitigen, die der Klimaneutralität massiv im Wege stehen. Beispiele sind eine wirksame CO2-Bepreisung, Veränderungen im Planungsrecht, Abbau von klimafeindlichen Subventionen etc.


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