Mobility Week – An Invitation

by | Sep 7 2017


As part of the annual European Week of Mobility, the association “autofreier StadTraum Bremen e.V.” are organising a range of events in the city.

The events attracting the broadest participation are likely to be the 12th ADFC Hochstraße Tour organized by the ADFC and the subsequent “Feast of Mobility” oin the Neustadt – both on Sunday, September 10, 2017.

A wall panel (it will be placed at the stand of the VCD e.V.) should attract special attention:

A number of organizations – primarily the Autofreie StadTraum, the VCD, the ADFC and the B.U.N.D. – are organising a major conference in 2018 for all citizens interested in transitioning Bremen’s transport situation. The gathering seeks to build on the wide range of tenacious and time-consuming work that has been going on at a local level throughout the city, at meetings of the district councils, through petitions and trying to use personal influence. Activists feel that it is now time to bring these forces together and develop coherent over-arching transport policy goals in Bremen.

Interested initiatives and individuals are being asked to enter on this wall panel with the help of a short text:

Dear Co-Designer,

More space for people, cleared pavement and squares, clean air and less noise, more public playspace and meeting spaces for young and old. Things that make a city livable. In Bremen, a large number of citizens are involved in initiatives at a local level for these goals. It’s time we put our forces together, it’s time to become more effective. To this end, we are preparing for 2018 a conference of the Bremen Initiatives, which are committed to a transport policy transition. Please write down your contact info and some keywords about your main interest, and attach it to the map.

We invite you. Contact:

VCD e .: Wolfgang Köhler-Naumann,

Autofreier StadTraum e.V .:Manuel Warrlich,


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