A Conference on Transport and Environment takes place in Germany every other year. This year 450 people came to the city of Darmstadt to discuss new ideas for sustainable transport for our cities. Please find the link to the presentations and working group papers here.
It was impressive how many young people attended. “Fridays For Future” seems to have an impact.
What they all asked for:
- We need to drastically reduce the number of cars
- We need to redistribute public space from private cars to pedestrians, cyclists and public transport
- Also they discussed issues and ideas like “bus on demand”, “ride sharing” and urban cable cars to improve public transport offers.
The next conference will take place in March 2021 in Munich.
Main topics will be
- How to travel in the country and from villages to towns in a sustainable way
- How to include children in sustainable transport modes
- How to deal with autonomous cars and e-mobility