Parking Day in Bremen Neustadt
A great opportunity to exchange ideas about living in the city, about transport policy priorities for pedestrians, bicycles and public transport, on community life, on CO2 and climate issues and whatever is on peoples minds when doing their Friday afternoon/weekend shopping! Some even took the opportunity to join us on the paved parking place and have a game of chess…
Last Friday afternoon (16. September), on International Parking Day, we – a local initiative for a human scale city – decided to occupy a parking place for a couple of hours in the much-frequented Pappelstraße in Bremen Neustadt.
Two parking tickets paid (and fixed to the bicycles), carpet, living room furniture, plants in pots etc. were neatly arranged, and crisps (organic) and drinks and a game of chess completed the cosy setting.
Information material was at hand from VCD (Verkehrsclub Deutschland), from ADFC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrradclub), from cambio (local carsharing) and from BUND (Germany’s Friends of the Earth) on climate change, traffic policies, and how public space in our cities can be creatively used – we also invited passers-by to offer their own proposals.
The general tone of people passing by was very friendly and positive, a great way of sharing reflections on urban life with people we otherwise rarely meet and have the opportunity to talk with.
see also report on Parking Day in of 16.9.2016